3 Things Your Doctor Isn't Telling You About Your Skin

Uncategorized May 14, 2017

Foods Is Affecting Your Skin

My doctor and dermatologist told me a thousand times that my diet would have no bearing on my skin. I was already feeling pretty miserable about my skin, so my doctor telling me food would have no effect was the only excuse I needed to carry on drinking away my depression and console myself with junk food. 

A healthy diet is absolutely key to healing skin. Start by introducing two litres of fresh, filtered water each day and reducing your sugar, dairy and gluten consumption. It's easy to keep making excuses but rest assured food can have a hugely detrimental or incredibly beneficial effect on your skin. 

Emotions, Stress, the Skin and the Body are Intrinsically Linked

We all know that high stress levels are not conducive to good health. Stress creates acidity in the body. There's nothing worse than someone telling you to 'stop getting stressed', as if stress can simply be switched on and off, even more so when you're struggling to cope with a skin condition. We're creating this cycle of getting stressed, worsening the skin condition and then getting stressed because our skin's flaring up. It's really important to break that cycle.

Our mind can have a huge physical impact on our immune system. We literally have the ability to think ourselves ill or think ourselves well. It's  a process called psychoneuroimmunology. The mind and immune system are so closely linked. If you're struggling with stress or emotional distress, check out my video tutorial for practical ways to work on reducing it. 

It's Going to be Okay

The one thing I really lacked from my doctor was emotional support. He nodded sympathetically but unless you've struggled with a skin condition I can't imagine you'd ever really be able to understand the emotional trauma. My skin affected every single aspect of my life. My career, my social life, my relationships.

My doctor also told me my psoriasis could never be cured. As a sixteen year old that was probably the most heartbreaking thing I had ever been told. 

Rest assured - from someone who's been there - it is going to be okay. You can heal your skin. Chatting to others in your situation can be hugely therapeutic. Sign up for full membership to receive my book, online support and to join the conversation. 


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