How I went from hating my skin, to helping thousands heal theirs.

For twenty years I struggled with a combination of acne, eczema and psoriasis. Five years ago, during my worst ever flare, my Dr suggested chemotherapy drugs. I turned them down and made the best decision of my life. Now I help thousands around the world feel empowered to do the same.

Find out Why You Don't Have a Skin Condition


"I panicked that I was going to be stuck with skin like this forever. That was until I found Hanna's blog. The change has been incredible. Life changing."


"Hanna's plan achieved for me something 28 years of medication could not! Nothing compares to this feeling of clear skin. I'm so grateful to have embarked on this journey."


"Hanna's diet has completely changed my life. The Drs insisted it would play no role in healing my skin. It would not only heal my body but change my mindset."

How I Healed My Skin

Hello, I'm Hanna Sillitoe. 

Looking at me today you would never know, but for twenty years I struggled with horrific acne, eczema and psoriasis.

Skin disease controlled every single aspect of my life.

My self esteem, relationships, social life and career were all affected by these skin conditions, for which my doctor told me ‘there is no cure’. I absolutely hated showing my skin. I would often wear hats and gloves, regardless of the weather to cover my red patches. 

I used to dread friends summer weddings. Trying to shop for long sleeved dresses whilst everyone else was wearing bright little sleeveless outfits. I was stopped from boarding a flight because the girl at check in was convinced I might be contagious.

The itching and pain were so bad at times it was impossible to sleep. My skin was red raw to the point I couldn’t stand the feeling of clothes brushing against my arms.

So how did I achieve these amazing results?

I changed my mindset. You see, here's something no Doctor has ever told you. You do not have a skin condition! What you have is a gut problem, the symptoms of which are surfacing on your skin.

Once you discover the secret to why your skin is flaring up, you will hold the power to get healthy and stay clear for good. 


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Heal Skin From Within


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