Can cutting dairy help eczema and other skin problems?

Uncategorized Mar 22, 2017

Eczema is a non-infectious, inflammatory skin condition. It often comes in bouts with genetic predisposition, environmental allergens, temperature, stress and food possible aggravates.

Nutritionists agree that there’s a potential link between consumption of dairy products and skin conditions. This doesn't mean that everyone with eczema has an allergy to dairy, but there is a chance you may see some benefits from eliminating it.

In order to digest lactose (the sugar found in milk) our body must produce the enzyme, lactase. As humans we lose all traces of this enzyme from the age of two. Many people are labelled as having milk allergies, but in reality, we’re all lactose intolerant to some extent.

One theory suggests that because the body develops antibodies to milk, consuming it creates an immune response that presents as eczema lesions. Worsening of the skin can be immediate - reddening 1 hour after consuming dairy, or delayed - 6 to 24 hours after milk’s ingested. It’s therefore really useful to keep a food diary.

The only reliable treatment for dairy allergies is to completely avoid dairy products including; milk, cheese, butter, margarine, yogurt, cream and ice cream. If you’re worried about getting enough calcium; seaweed, watercress, parsley and figs are fantastic plant sources.


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