Could Strawberries be Making Your Skin Worse?

Uncategorized May 18, 2017

There are certain foods which are quite often cited as potential triggers for skin conditions. Sugar, gluten and dairy are more commonly linked to exacerbating or triggering eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. 

But what about seemingly innocent foods? Could strawberries be contributing to your skin condition? Those little pips in the flesh of the strawberry have been shown to irritate the lining of the gut and the large number of pesticides used to protect strawberries from insects as they grow can wreak havoc on our immune system.

So why are strawberries any worse than any other food? They have this month be hailed as the fruit "most likely to be contaminated with pesticide residues even after they are picked, rinsed in the field and washed before eating" - according to the Environmental Working Group (EWG)


Each year, over 3 billion pounds of strawberries are produced in the USA. With strawberry growers using 74 different pesticides in various combinations. Scientists found that nearly 30% of strawberries had residues of more than 10 pesticides, with the "dirtiest" linked to 21 different pesticides.

In addition to all these chemical pesticides, scientists found traces of poisonous gas on strawberries as well. These included mostly Carbendazim and Bifenthrin, which have been associated with a variety of health issues, including cancer, developmental and reproductive damage, and neurological problems.

Strawberries top The Environmental Working Group 'Dirty Dozen' list. The 12 worst foods when it comes to chemicals and pesticides;


  • Strawberries
  • Spinach
  • Nectarines
  • Apples
  • Peaches
  • Pears
  • Cherries
  • Grapes
  • Celery
  • Tomatoes (avoid if you have psoriasis - nightshade)
  • Sweet bell peppers (avoid if you have psoriasis - nightshade)
  • Potatoes (avoid if you have psoriasis - nightshade)

So what can you do? It's most definitely worth avoiding strawberries altogether for a little while to see if they're triggering your condition. Try using raspberries or blackberries in recipes instead. 

If you really, really miss strawberries try to buy organic and wash them very well before eating. 

Read the full report here


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